Solutions for Energy Sector

Monitor production and consumption metrics with energy dashboards. Track energy consumption and production, equipment downtime, and more.

Solution energy dashboard

In the energy field, you need to be able to track a wide range of data. On one hand, you need to monitor customers’ energy consumption. At the same time, you need to keep an eye on power plants’ live production data. These metrics, of course, are crucial as they ensure that you are able to meet customers’ needs. Further, they impact the long-term financial success of your company. However, tracking so many KPIs at once can seem like an overwhelming task.


Whether you need to analyze turbine performance or assess your ROI for various wind farm locations, Smart Dashboard can help you achieve your goals. Check out our interactive dashboard examples to learn more. Then, request a demo for a complete walkthrough of Smart Dashboard.

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Energy Dashboard Examples

Energy Monitoring Dashboard

Smart Dashboard’s energy consumption & monitoring dashboard answers several key questions for managing energy consumption and production…

Power Plant Dashboard

Smart Dashboard’s power plant operations dashboard displays the live production data of a series of power plants. This information is crucial as it…

Smart Dashboard for Energy – Common Metrics

With Smart Dashboard’s user-friendly, fully customizable dashboards, you can track all the key performance indicators that your company depends on:

  • Energy production and consumption numbers
  • Energy production costs
  • Plant availability and downtime
  • Equipment functionality and efficiency
  • Return on investment

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Hugo Morris

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